Maitiú Mac Cárthaigh
I grew up in what I fondly call, the Back Ass of Nowhere, in Ireland. I spent my childhood on a pig farm as the eldest of four sons, helping my parents care for animals to slaughter until one day the farm burnt down. A traumatic event for a small farmer on the edge of Europe, so traumatic it is almost comical. My current research practise looks at the mechanism of group assimilation, self-annihilation, and ascension within isolated queer and Irish communities. This research draws on both bibliographic and mediated research and is formulated through autofictional/critical text, video and bio-installation.
Current Projects: 

- Invited to create the third issue of Bad Penny by Bad Penny Publishing. The project will focus on (de)colonial queer loneliness.

- As part of my residency in De Besturing, I am co-hosting a reading group with Aleksandra Komsta.